Home » Baitfish » Ballyhoo » Premium Ballyhoo » 6650JR – Ballyhoo, Magnum

6650JR – Ballyhoo, Magnum

• Brand: Just Rite
• Size: 10.25+”
• Case Size: 36 – 1 pk



Ballyhoo (Hemiramphus brasilensis)

AKA: Hoo, Bally

Ballyhoo are in the halfbeak family and are found in tropical waters, harvested with lampara nets. Characterized with orange-red beak tips, compressed silvery sides, they can grow up to 18 inches. The most interesting feature is the color of their backs and color of feces, which change with their habitat. If the fish have been feeding on grass flats, backs and feces are green. If they have been feeding on the reefs, backs are blue and feces brown. Ballyhoo fishermen say that the “hoos” change colors like Chameleons as a defense system. Since the fish move on and off grass flats and reefs with the tidal movements, their colors may have yet to change since their last locale.

Uses: Great trolling bait for any striking fish such as dolphin, wahoo, king mackerel, and any of the billfishes, especially sailfish. Can also be used as a pitch bait or cut bait.

Produced primarily in tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Florida Bay in the Florida Keys.

Our Just Rite brand ballyhoo are unloaded from the boat, processed in a special solution to retain the best quality possible, sorted and packed in a high quality pouch and quick frozen at the dock where they are landed.  No time wasted on transporting the day’s catch to a separate facility.
