SCIENTIFIC NAME: Menidia menidia
AKA: Atlantic silverside, spearing
Silversides are a small species of fish from the Western Atlantic, ranging from the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada to northeastern Florida in USA. Silversides are translucent and similar in appearance, albeit larger, than the glass minnow. It is one of the most common fish in the Chesapeake Bay and in the Barnegat Bay. They are a common subject of scientific research because of their sensitivity to environmental changes. The fish is about 15 cm (5.9 in) long, mostly silver and white.
The most popular bait for yellowtail snapper in the Florida Keys. In the mid Atlantic, spearing is an alternative bait to minnows when fluke fishing, also used to catch snapper blues and bluefish in the lagoons during the summer/early fall. A popular food fish for aquarium owners.
10 ounce bag
2 – 2.5 lb bags in a 5 lb box

5135 – Silversides, 10oz BAITMASTERS
• Size: 10oz bag
• Case Size: 40 – 10oz bag
• UPC: 7 10707 05135 8

5134 – Silversides, 40lb
- Size: 3″ – 5″
- Case Size: 15 -40oz bags